Avery’s Story: Crafting a Career in Cosmetology at Nathan Layne Institute

By Avery Horsley

As a little girl with a big dream, I was always the one who styled my family’s hair, did their nails, and played with makeup during every family gathering. Pursuing a career in beauty was a natural path for me, but when the time came to make a decision, self-doubt crept in. I was standing on the edge of my future, scared to jump.

However, I couldn’t let the fear win—I owed it to my younger self, the one with the glittering eyes and hands stained with eyeshadow, to chase after the dream.

It was now or never.

Love at first sight with Nathan Layne Institute

The day I toured Nathan Layne Institute, I felt an immediate connection. The environment was warm and inviting, and the people—strangers who felt like old friends—were simply amazing. The decision was made right then: I would attend Nathan Layne, even if it meant commuting an hour each way, every single day.

This choice wasn’t just about convenience; it was about feeling at home.

My daily routine at Nathan Layne is a non-stop adventure. Every day starts early, with a drive that gives me plenty of time to mentally prepare for the day ahead. Our mornings begin with an energizer, orchestrated by our lead instructor, who knows exactly how to get us pumped for the day.

From there, my schedule is typically packed with appointments. Despite the lengthy days and the toll it takes on my feet, the energy I gain from being productive, from being a part of my clients’ lives, makes every second worthwhile.

Overcoming Challenges and Learning from Mistakes

One of the most humbling experiences I’ve had at Nathan Layne came when I took a risk and faced failure.

I had the opportunity to work on an instructor’s hair, and it didn’t go as planned. I was devastated when I caused damage to her hair—a result of both inexperience and her hair’s fragility.

I spent the next day at home, crying and grappling with my mistake. But that experience turned into a profound lesson. It taught me that mistakes are integral to learning, and critiques are part of growth.

The key lesson? Never lose confidence in your own abilities, and always strive to be better.

Achieving a Major Milestone with Dreams of Balancing Beauty Career and Family

As I near the thousand-hour milestone, the next phase of my life is just on the horizon. I’m beyond excited to begin my career in a local salon, where I can learn from seasoned professionals before eventually achieving my ultimate goal: opening my own salon adjacent to my future home.

This vision allows me to balance my ambitions with my personal life, where family is the centerpiece.

For anyone considering a future at Nathan Layne, know that the road won’t be easy.

Cosmetology school demands your all—your time, your patience, your endurance. But believe in yourself, be consistent in your efforts, and never forget that learning is a process. We’re not here to be perfect; we’re here to sharpen our skills until perfection becomes second nature.

So, to the little girl who once dreamed of beauty and bright futures, to the young woman who mustered the courage to step into the realm of her dreams: thank you.

Here at Nathan Layne, I’m not just learning how to style hair or apply makeup; I’m learning how to stand with confidence as I craft my own path in the beauty industry. And that’s worth every challenge, every long drive, every tired night. That’s the beauty of following your dreams.

Are you ready to transform your passion for beauty into a vibrant career?

Take the leap and join the community at Nathan Layne Institute, a beauty school where dreams are shaped, skills are honed, and futures gleam with promise. Don’t just dream it—live it.

Enroll now and start your journey toward becoming the stylist you’ve always envisioned. Your chair awaits!